
a person applying a chiropractic procedure to another happy smiling person lying down, Top 10 Chiropractic Care FAQs: Empowering You to Make the Best Choices for Your Health
At Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center in Little River, SC, we specialize in chiropractic care and spinal decompression with state-of-the-art Accu Spina Therapy. We often receive questions about chiropractic care. Our team understands that by answering your questions, we empower you to make the best choices for your health. For this reason, we have [...]
A child using a keyboard, Back-to-School: A Key Time to Prevent Back Pain in Children
As the school year is underway and daily routines fall into place, now is the perfect moment to address an often-overlooked concern: back pain in children. With students already immersed in their classes, activities, and homework, the demands on their growing bodies have increased. Heavy backpacks, long hours sitting in classrooms, and changes in physical [...]
Young woman walking through the rocky meadow in mountains, Relieving Back Pain: Can Walking Help?
Lower back pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It often leads to discomfort and limits daily activities. At Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center in Little River, SC, we understand the impact of lower back pain. We dedicate our practice to providing effective solutions to help our patients find relief [...]
Two men playing soccer on a field, Spinal Decompression for Sports Injuries: Unlocking Peak Performance
Sports injuries are an unfortunate part of an athlete's journey. Whether you're a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, these injuries can significantly affect your performance and overall quality of life. Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center offers advanced spinal decompression therapy using state-of-the-art Accu Spina Therapy to help you recover quickly and return to [...]
A person holding his knee, Non-Surgical Knee Pain Elimination: Solutions at Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center
Knee pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. Whether your knee pain is due to arthritis, injury, or overuse, chronic knee pain can severely impact your quality of life. When knee pain interferes with mobility, it can compromise your independence and prevent you from living life to the fullest. [...]
A person with her back pain, Keep Your Back Happy: Tips for Preventing Lower Back Pain While Gardening
As spring blooms and warmer weather beckons us outdoors, many of us eagerly embrace the opportunity to tend to our gardens. However, amidst the joy of nurturing plants and flowers, it's essential to prioritize your physical well-being, particularly the health of your lower back. Gardening can be physically demanding, often requiring bending, lifting, and repetitive [...]

In the serene coastal town of Little River, SC, amidst the soothing ocean breeze and picturesque landscapes, lies a beacon of hope for those grappling with spinal discomfort and pain. Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center is a sanctuary for individuals seeking relief from the burdensome weight of spinal issues. At the heart of their […]

A person blowing her nose in a tissue, pollen tree in the background, Combatting Seasonal Allergies with Chiropractic Care

As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, many of us welcome the arrival of spring with open arms. However, for some, the onset of spring also brings along the dreaded seasonal allergies. The itchy eyes, runny nose, and constant sneezing can put a damper on the joys of the season. While over-the-counter medications […]

Are you tired of living with chronic lower back pain? Are traditional treatments providing little relief? It’s time to discover the breakthrough solution that could change your life: spinal decompression for lower back pain. Spinal decompression is a non-surgical, drug-free treatment option that has been proven effective in relieving lower back pain. This innovative therapy […]

Are you often putting your family, health, and overall well-being last?  Finding the perfect balance between work and personal life can seem elusive in the hustle and bustle of our modern lives.  Yet, striking the proper equilibrium is crucial for maintaining a healthy overall experience.  Traditional notions of work-life balance often pit professional and personal […]

A family decorating a christmas tree, Manage Holiday Stress & Experience Rejuvenation at Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center

The holiday season can be particularly stressful for many in a world that demands constant hustle and high-stress levels. As the festivities envelop us, Carolina Rehab & Medicine Center invites you to embark with us on a journey and experience renewal with our Holiday Wellness Guide, compassionately crafted for a rejuvenating holiday season. This guide […]

A person with back pain in a chair, Navigating the Journey to Recovery: Empowering Solutions for Herniated Disk Pain

Dealing with the daily challenges of a herniated disk can feel like traveling through a maze of discomfort and limitations. However, the impact affects all aspects of life, affecting your ability to move freely and enjoy daily activities. It’s a hurdle that requires a multifaceted approach to manage pain, seek relief, and promote healing.  Regrettably, […]

In today’s fast-paced world, the quest for an energy boost is a constant struggle for many. Long hours at work, demanding deadlines, and busy social lives have led people to seek quick fixes to combat fatigue. Enter energy drinks, the seemingly magical elixirs promising an instant surge of vitality. But are these beverages the answer […]

A Breakthrough in Spinal Care in Little River, SC At Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center of Little River, SC, we understand patients’ frustration and despair when doctors tell them there is no solution to the daily physical pain and discomfort they’re living with. Or, when they are told the only solutions to their neck […]

Two people outdoors holding/drinking water, Water and Your Spinal Health
Water makes up about 60% of our total body weight. It plays a crucial role in maintaining bodily functions, such as regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste. In this article, we'll explore the importance of water and your spinal health. The importance of water for the body Water is essential for maintaining good [...]
A person holding their neck, in. A neck brace, talking a phone
Whiplash is a common injury when the neck is suddenly and forcefully jerked back and forth. Whiplash recovery time can vary depending on the severity of the damage and other factors. In this guide, we'll explore the key factors impacting whiplash recovery time, what we can do for you, and provide tips for managing symptoms [...]
A picture containing indoor, person on a sofa with child on their back, How Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Pain
If you're dealing with chronic pain or an injury, you may wonder if there are other options outside traditional medical treatments. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive approach to healing that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. This guide will cover what a chiropractor does and how they can help relieve pain and improve [...]
Diagram of cells reproducing and a DNA spiral
Neuropathy, also called Peripheral Neuropathy or simply, nerve damage can result from a wide range of conditions. Rejuvenating therapies provide a new approach to giving effective relief for neuropathy, offering improved symptom management and even reversal of nerve damage. Read on to learn how rejuvenating therapy can provide effective relief for neuropathy. What Causes Peripheral [...]
A person running on a road, Set Your Health Goals for 2023
We hope you had a great holiday season and a happy New Year. As we start 2023, we traditionally set our goals for the year. Many people look at improving their health in one way or another. Let's look at health goals you may want to make for 2023. 1. Start your day with exercise. [...]
A person holding a bag, snow, Christmas decorations
There is much to like about the holidays – the Christmas spirit, holiday music, bright and cheerful decorations, spending time with family, and delicious food. But anyone can experience some stress during the holidays – dealing with heavy traffic, long waiting lines, traveling, and preparing for guests can cause anxiety. Disruptions in your diet and [...]
People joined in hand sitting around a thanksgiving dinner table
We officially step into the holiday season with our Thanksgiving feasts. Thanksgiving is a great time of year for everyone to reflect on what they are thankful for. As your Little River Chiropractor, we have many things we are thankful for we would like to share. Loved Ones On a personal basis, we give thanks [...]
Person sitting on bench with mop holding hip, hip pain
Are You Suffering from Hip Joint Pain? Living with hip pain can interfere with your day-to-day activities and keep you from doing the things you love. From a walk in the park to dancing at your daughter’s wedding, hip pain should never stop you from enjoying life. According to the National Library of Medicine: 14.3% of adults reported [...]
A close-up of a persons feet, foot pain relief
Your feet are a complex part of your body because they contain many components. Did you know that you have 26 different bones in each foot? In addition to the complex system of bones, the foot has many joints and tendons. The bones, joints, and tendons must work together in harmony. When they cannot work [...]
A picture containing grass, sky, outdoor, dune
Sciatica is a nerve condition that can cause tingling, burning, or shooting pain in the lower back, hip, and leg. Sciatica symptoms can interfere with daily activities and make sitting or walking feel almost unbearable. The good news, at Carolina Rehab, we can relieve pain without drugs or surgery using functional medicine. The Sciatic Nerve [...]
scientist examining dna strand, Functional Medicine
Functional medicine is an approach to medical care that emphasizes prevention and wellness over disease treatment. It considers the patient’s lifestyle, environment, genetics, and overall well-being when making decisions about diagnosis and treatment. While drugs have their place in treating illness, too often, people are prescribed medication without the root cause of the problem being [...]
A picture containing person, outdoor, water sport, female, summer fun activities
The bright sun, longer days, and summer heat seem to pluck people effortlessly outside for the activity-packed summer months. It's no surprise that this time of year offers the best weather for outdoor activities, pool parties, traveling, and spending as much time out and about as we can. It is an excellent opportunity to enjoy [...]
Physiotherapy for school boy , Children Poor Posture Correction, Scoliosis examination . Kinesiology treatment
Chiropractic care is both safe and effective for children. Chiropractic care can be considered even more important for children than for adults because their bodies are going through rapid changes due to growth. Why Is Chiropractic Important for Children? Generally, childhood is a slightly traumatic time. A child learns to crawl, walk, run, and tumble. [...]
Physiotherapist working with mature female patient in a rehab center. Chinese woman lifts dumbbells on a fitness ball with a personal trainer
Whether you have suffered an injury or live with pain, managing pain usually hinges on pain medication. The problem with pain medication is that it masks pain without providing any healing benefits. Our doctors believe in all-natural pain management and injury recovery. We offer results-driven, non-invasive physical therapy services to people living in Little River [...]
A picture containing person, indoor, vial, centrifuge, Medical bottle with blood plasma in hand for PRP, extracted from the centrifuge machine for plasma therapy
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments are gaining popularity for various conditions, from sports injuries to hair loss. Much has been written about platelet-rich plasma and its potential effectiveness in treating injuries during the past several years. Many famous athletes — golfer Tiger Woods, tennis star Rafael Nadal, and several others — have received PRP for various [...]
person sitting holding their knee, knee pain relief
Knee pain relief should not be dependent on pain medication. Pain medication masks pain symptoms without addressing damage or repairing the inflammation that is causing your pain. Our doctors in Little River offer a variety of knee pain relief treatments designed to keep you mobile and pain-free. Our comprehensive pain management includes the latest rejuvenating therapy and [...]
A person with his hand on his neck, whiplash
Pain caused by whiplash can be excruciating. Whiplash happens when your body jolts abruptly, and you are in a stationary position. It happens most frequently when another driver rear-ends you. When this occurs, the force of the impact pushes your body backward and then forward. While your seatbelt restrains your torso, your neck snaps back [...]
cheerful lady holding exercise mat and small weights infront of christmas tree
It is tough to keep healthy habits even under normal circumstances. But the holidays can make it even more challenging. Your regular exercise schedule may get thrown off by holiday engagements, travel, etc. Not to mention you will probably be eating richer foods than usual. Changes in your diet and schedule can bring on unwanted [...]
table filled with healthy and nutritious food, enjoy your holiday feast
At Carolina Rehab and Physical Medicine Center, we are driven to help people get back to living their life! We have made many efforts over the years to discover the latest in treatment options and make them available to all of our Little River and neighboring communities. Dr. Strickland and our team have helped thousands [...]
person holding their knee, sports injuries
A sports injury can affect your performance and keep you from remaining active. Whether you are a professional athlete, a weekend warrior, or an avid runner, a quick recovery from injuries is necessary. At Carolina Rehab, we offer cutting-edge sports injury treatments for patients living in Little River and surrounding areas. We use a multi-disciplinary [...]
pregnant woman sitting on bed holding belly and back
The benefits of getting chiropractic care during your pregnancy are many for both you and your baby. Research conducted in 2018 found that pregnancy causes considerable physiological effects on a woman’s body. The research focused on musculoskeletal problems. The most common complaint was lower back pain reported by 70% of the study group. Also, pregnant [...]
Male taking his daily pill
Since the beginning of the pandemic, drug overdoses have been on the rise across the U.S. In May of this year, Channel 7 News reported that deadly drug overdoses in South Carolina took the lives of over 1,200 people in 2020. Some people are referring to it as the "pandemic within a pandemic". The BBC [...]
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity where the spine develops with one or more abnormal curves. Non-surgical treatment options exist for Scoliosis, which we will go over in this article.With June being Scoliosis Awareness Month, we want to raise awareness of this condition and how you can benefit from chiropractic care if you have it. What [...]
Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. In other words, where two bones meet. It comes from the Greek, “arthron” meaning joint, and “itēs” meaning disease. Hence, disease of the joints. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints and surrounding tissues. It can be a crippling condition that keeps you from enjoying life. Types [...]
doctor adjusting arm of person holding their shoulder

Carolina Rehab & Physical Medicine Center is excited to tell you that we now have a Physical Therapist on board! Please let me introduce to you Scott Floyd. Scott has 23 years of experience as a Physical Therapist. He graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill. Scott is passionate about giving his patients a higher quality of life […]

We breathe in and out every day without even thinking about it. But many people do not realize the importance of how we go about doing this. There are two important points I wish to cover: 1) breathing through your nose and 2) breathing using your diaphragm. Breathing Through Your Nose We all know that [...]
February 2021 is American Heart Health Month. This is a perfect time to discuss the role chiropractic plays in your heart health. Many people may consider that chiropractic treatment is only for remedying problems with the back, neck, etc. However, this is an understatement of the value of chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic treatment addresses all aspects [...]
Have you written down your New Year’s Resolutions yet? This is a great time to reset your life and make this your best year ever. And what better time to take charge of your health! It is like getting a chance to wipe your slate clean and start anew. If you made resolutions last year [...]
man and woman lifting heavy box, woman has hurt her back
Often patients come in with back injuries from lifting objects. Frequently the injuries are caused by lifting heavy objects, but not always. People can also injure their back by bending over incorrectly and straining their back. Here is just one anecdote as an example: One man had just finished doing some heavy labor. He was [...]
Get back your vigor and vitality! Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection adequate for sexual intercourse. It is more common than most people realize. In the past, it has been referred to as impotence. However, this term has become associated with myths and taboos on the subject. Perhaps this is [...]
a cigarette in a mans hand

Cigarettes Rise to Fame In the 50s, the public watched movie stars such as James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Humphrey Bogart, Sophia Loren, Marylyn Monroe, and many more on the big movie screens with a cigarette in hand. If you smoked, you were glamorous or cool. Continuing through the 60s the popularity of smoking grew. While […]

Physical Therapist Working with Neck. Senior Woman

There are two basic approaches to health care. One we refer to as “reactive” and the other “proactive”. Reactive health care is when we react to a medical situation. For example, you go and see your doctor when you become ill. Another one could be a child falls and breaks his arm. In contrast, proactive […]

One of the most common questions we get asked at our office is whether it is best to use heat or cold to relieve an ache or injury. Both heat and cold therapies have their uses in pain relief. But, you should know when to use heat and when to use ice. Either one applied […]

a person holding a iv bag with fruit in it

Intravenous Nutritional Therapy is the process of administering nutrients into a vein directly into your bloodstream. A doctor inserts a small tube into a vein. Through this tube, you absorb fluids with vitamins and minerals directly into your body. This produces higher levels of the vitamins and minerals in your body than what you can […]

Staying fit can be quite a struggle and challenge today. Why? Firstly, we are constantly being bombarded from every angle by ads to eat junk food. Take a look at commercials, fast food signs, and “up-size me” deals. Who doesn’t sit down to watch a movie or show for the night and think about having […]

How to Improve Your Posture Little River, SC

Good posture is an important part of your long term health. When you practice good posture, whether moving or still, it can be a beneficial process resulting in fewer injuries, prevention of pain and may help other health problems. Did you know that every move you make is affected by your posture? Be sure to […]

How to Relieve Carpal Tunnel Pain at Home Little River, SC

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affects the hand and wrist, creating numbness, tingling or pain. This happens when the nerve running from your forearm to your hand is pinched or compressed. Many people experience this from their career, hormonal changes, or excess pressure on the wrist. If possible, the first thing to do is stop the activity […]

What to do After a Car Accident Little River Sc
It is crucial that you get examined by a doctor quickly after a car accident to make sure there are no injuries that will worsen with time. Car accident injuries such as whiplash, back pain, neck or head pain usually require rehabilitation to help speed recovery. This can be accomplished through natural treatments like chiropractic [...]
How To Choose A Chiropractor In Little River SC
When you are looking for a chiropractor in Little River, it’s important to find one that has the education, experience, and proven track record needed to get you the results you need. Chiropractic is a safe and effective way to treat painful joints, and quality chiropractic care will help you improve mobility and range of […]
6 Stretches to Relieve Neck Pain Little River SC

Is your life becoming a pain in the neck? Here are a few stretches to help relieve your neck pain. When your neck is strained, seized up, or sore, it’s hard to focus on anything else. Many activities we do daily can cause neck pain, from sitting for long periods of time to talking on […]

How to Get the Most Out of Your Chiropractic Appointment Little River

Visiting a chiropractor in your area isn’t something you are going to do for fun. Chances are you have suffered an injury from an auto accident, or you are feeling the effects of wear and tear on your body. You need a chiropractic doctor whose treatment modalities and philosophy align with your condition. As you […]

Chiropractic Solutions for Pain Little River, SC
Chiropractic adjustments are an excellent source of all-natural pain relief. They can improve function, mobility, and reduce pain without surgery or narcotic pain relievers. If you have chronic pain, or a debilitating condition, chiropractic care is an effective solution for treating many different issues, including: Back pain Neck pain Elbow pain Shoulder pain Hip pain […]
PRP: Your Body's Own Healing Properties Little River
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy has become an increasingly popular choice for many people that are looking for all-natural pain relief and recovery assistance. This revolutionary treatment offers a wide variety of benefits for many health conditions and aesthetic applications. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy PRP Therapy offers many patients all-natural pain relief – but how exactly [...]
The New Movement in Little River is Functional Movement!

The movement – functional movement – starts at Carolina Wellness and Rehabilitation Center, located at 48th Avenue North, in Little River. Together, Dr. Matt Craig and Dr. Craig Strickland have implemented the latest in spinal and postural rehabilitation combined with the most effective Chiropractic and soft tissue techniques in the area. The focus of the […]

3 Good Reasons to Consider Visiting a Chiropractor

For various reasons, all of us will experience joint aches and pain, and most of us have heard that a chiropractor can help. It could be a physical problem you were born with, it could be that something has happened due to an injury. Or, it simply could be signs of aging. If you’ve been […]

How Can A Chiropractor Treat Your Migraine Headache?

It’s the holidays and you want to have fun with your kids, but you know that your migraine will only get in the way. As you start your holiday shopping spree, you start to feel all the familiar signs – having cloudy vision and becoming more sensitive to noise. As you pass by store after […]

Should Your Baby See a Chiropractor?

Whether or not your baby should see a chiropractor is a valid question. A lot of people think that the only reason to see a chiropractor is if they have back or neck pain. Nothing could be further from the truth. Chiropractic health care is based on the premise that our bodies work as a […]

Just What Do Chiropractors Do?

For many of us, chiropractors and what they do are a bit of a mystery. Some think it’s nothing more than a person cracking your back till it pops. There is a very specific science to it, however, and this article will help you understand what chiropractic is and how it can benefit you. The […]

Your Chiropractor Can Treat Knee Pain!

When we think of going to the chiropractor, most of us are thinking neck and back, not knees or other parts of the body. But you may not realize how common knee pain is becoming. This is due in large part to the fact that so many of us have bad posture and that’s only […]

How Chiropractic Care And Massage Therapy Help Manage Stress

At the moment, more and more individuals are turning to chiropractic care and massage therapy to learn how to control their stress. Managing stress has become more difficult at present primarily because the reasons why people feel stressed are increasing constantly. Stress becomes even more difficult to manage when it reaches chronic levels. And if […]

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Help With Arthritis?

Living with arthritis will not be as difficult if you consider undergoing chiropractic treatment. Arthritis is one of the most common illnesses in the country today and it is affecting thousands, if not millions, of Americans on an everyday basis. In fact, severe cases report experiencing pain and aching while simply walking. If you are […]

Going In-Depth On Chiropractic Treatment For Knee Pain

Chiropractic treatment is provided to help relieve muscle pain and enhance bone alignment and correction. This is why it is the common treatment method used for relieving knee pain. In this article you will learn more about this type of treatment and how it actually helps relieve knee pain. Why do you experience knee pain? […]

Chiropractic Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is not uncommon, because your shoulder is one of the most mobile and used joints in your whole body? It provides a wide range of mobility and because of this, it’s fairly common for it to be strained or have other types of soreness. If you begin experiencing shoulder difficulty, don’t ignore it. […]

Chiropractors Ensure You Always Have A Good Night’s Sleep

Aside from improving your health and treating muscle pains, chiropractors also help ensure you get a good night’s sleep every day. Many Americans experience difficulty sleeping. This is highly evident in the various sleeping pills available in many drug stores. Sleeping is a natural process; thus, should be dealt with naturally. And the first step […]

Top 5 Ways Chiropractic Care Helps To Benefit Your Health

Chiropractic care and treatment may still be new for some individuals and, thus, they are adamant to try this new alternative form of treatment. Some may think it is as simple as going for a body massage or working with their therapist or gym instructor. What most don’t know and realize is that chiropractic care […]

Chiropractic Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you are experiencing wrist pain and you don’t like taking various medicines, chiropractic treatment is what you need. What is carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS? Basically, carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS is a health problem characterized by pain in the hand or wrist. According to most professionals, the most common cause of carpal tunnel […]

Neck and Back Pain Treatment

Chiropractic and Chronic Back and Neck Pain More than ten million Americans are affected by chronic neck and back pain. It has been estimated that just back pain on its own is a problem to the tune of $100 billion annually, affecting close to 80% of the American population. Most people will experience back pain […]

Learning More About Lower Back Pain And Chiropractic Treatment

Another common health condition where chiropractic treatment can help is back pain. According to recent statistics, 80% of the American population experiences back pain. This is why it is the second most common reason for doctor visits. Reports reveal that more than 50% of the adult population is affected by low back pain every year, […]

Can Chiropractic Care Relieve Neck Pain?

Until now, there have been many individuals who didn’t know that neck pain can be relieved through chiropractic care. This is perfect for those individuals who already take a lot of medicine but still experience stiffness and soreness in their necks. Obviously, whatever medication the individual is taking is not working. To save you money […]

Basics of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care dates back to ancient Egypt. This modality took root in 1895 when David Palmer presented the theory that all illnesses had the root of their problems in the spine and the nervous system. According to Palmer, when the vertebrae are misaligned, the person will experience any number of ailments. Chiropractic care holds that […]

Can Chiropractic Help Headaches?

Everyone gets a headache once in a while, but there are others who suffer from headaches that won’t go away. It’s easy to run to the medicine and pop a few pills, and yes, you’ll get relief, but the underlying problem still exists, and the medicine is just masking the problem, not solving it. A […]

Chiropractic Treatment Takes Care of Achilles Tendonitis

One health condition that could be relieved through chiropractic treatment is Achilles tendonitis, which is the inflammation of the Achilles tendon. This often happens as a result of excess stress on the tendon, causing it to tighten more and work excessively hard. In the long run, especially if not treated properly, the inflamed tendon can […]

Is Chiropractic Treatment Safe During Pregnancy?

Because chiropractic treatment can help relieve and remove back and joint pains, it is often considered whether or not it could be safe to relieve the same types of pains in pregnant women. Pregnant women go through different kinds of pains throughout the duration of their pregnancy. Aside from pain in their lower back, joints, […]

The Basics Of Chiropractic Treatment For Back Pain

One of the most common reasons for people to seek chiropractic treatment is back pain. Although you may of course, visit a chiropractor for other reasons such as neck pain, knee pain, and bone alignment. What is chiropractic treatment and care? Basically, chiropractic care focuses primarily on health problems that affect the nerves, muscles, bones, […]

Chiropractic Treatment Relieves And Prevents Sciatic Pain

If you are suffering from sciatic pain, chiropractic treatment can help. Sciatic pain or sciatica is the pain that people feel along the sciatic nerve. This is the longest nerve in the body running from the pelvis through the hip and buttocks and down to each leg. It provides feeling to every part of the […]

Why Do You Need Chiropractic Treatment For Tendonitis?

One common and effective treatment for tendonitis is chiropractic treatment. Even so, you will need to take some precautions and preventive measures to ensure you will not experience tendonitis again. Some individuals may experience tendonitis repeatedly despite undergoing the best treatments. And sometimes, it is no longer because of the way you were treated or […]

Chiropractors And Foot Care

When most of us think about chiropractors, we don’t usually think about foot care. After all, chiropractors adjust the spine, right? But the truth is that our feet are our foundation and they work hard to support our entire frame; so it only makes sense that we should take good care of them. Your chiropractor […]

Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy

There are lots of questions and myths surrounding chiropractic care during pregnancy. This article will answer those questions and dispel the myths. There is a lot you should know, and the proof may surprise you. Read on… Some Misconceptions About Your Health Care While Pregnant The first thing most people wonder about is whether chiropractic […]

Chiropractic Treatment and Running Injuries

Chiropractic treatment is becoming more and more popular among athletes, particularly runners. Experts say chiropractic care helps improve an athlete’s joint movement and mobilization; and when coupled with the right physical therapy, it efficiently enhances one’s strength and coordination. Aside from focusing on the movement of joints, however, sports trained chiropractors should also incorporate effective […]

Is Chiropractic Treatment Safe For Elbow Injuries And Pain?

Recently individuals suffering from elbow pain have been turning to chiropractic treatment, not only to relieve their pain but also to improve their health and correct this joint injury. Elbow pain and injuries are often associated with certain sports. This is most common when playing golf and tennis. On the other hand, elbow pain can […]

Helpful Tips In Choosing Chiropractic Treatment Provider

When seeking effective and successful chiropractic treatment, it is highly recommended that you look for a chiropractor who you can work with effectively and build a strong rapport with. Many experts believe that being comfortable with your chiropractor is one of the keys of an effective and successful treatment. Add to this the superb skills […]

Why Does My Lower Back Pain Keep Coming Back?

According to recent studies, back pain is the most common type of problem people experience with at least 80% of the population experiencing at some point in their lives. It would not be such a big problem for many people if only it would not keep coming back and preventing them from coming to work […]

Expert’s Tips On How To Avoid Back Pain

One of the most common physical pains every American feels is back pain. Experts agree this is because many people spend long hours sitting or standing in bad positions. While there is no question that you have to stand correctly when lining up at a store or sit properly when eating at a luxurious restaurant, […]

We give patients a better overall lifestyle rather than treating one condition at a time so they can live happier, healthier lives. Call us for a complimentary consultation.
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