If you are suffering from sciatic pain, chiropractic treatment can help. Sciatic pain or sciatica is the pain that people feel along the sciatic nerve. This is the longest nerve in the body running from the pelvis through the hip and buttocks and down to each leg. It provides feeling to every part of the lower limbs including thighs, legs, and feet. It also controls most of the lower limb muscles.
What are the causes of sciatic pain?
Sciatica or sciatic pain actually happens when a nerve in the lower back is compressed and pressured. This nerve will bring the pain to be felt throughout the lower limbs. There are several factors that compress your lower back nerve. This primarily includes when a lumbar disc is bulging or herniated.
Another common cause is the Piriformis syndrome which is when the piriformis becomes tight or undergoes spasms, it creates pressure directly on the sciatic nerve. Piriformis sits right above the sciatic nerve. This is why any pressure or pain in the piriformis is transferred to the sciatic nerve. One of the most common causes of pain or pressure in the piriformis is sitting on your wallet.
Signs That You Have Sciatica
Basically, any pain you feel on the back of your leg that you can trace up from your lower spine in the hip area and to the buttocks is what you call sciatica. Most individuals would feel any level of pain from a mild ache to a sharp burning or even unbearable discomfort. There are times when sciatic pain is like a jolt or electric shock, which is when you will feel it very briefly.
When left untreated, sciatic pain has the tendency to grow or intensify over time. This is when you feel the pain for much longer than before – from a couple of minutes to a couple of days – and when the pain becomes stronger, rendering you unable to move freely and effectively. There are also cases when the pain feels stronger every time the sufferer makes certain movements such as sitting down, standing up or coughing and even when making involuntary movements like sneezing.
Chiropractic Treatment and Sciatica
Many chiropractors and medical professionals are recommending chiropractic treatment for persons suffering from sciatica. Since this pain radiates back to the lower spine, chiropractors agree that the methods of chiropractic care will help ease and prevent sciatica.
Experts also suggest combining chiropractic treatment with stretches and deep tissue massage particularly on the piriformis muscle. Undergoing chiropractic care is important not only in keeping the spine efficiently aligned but also in conditioning the muscles in the lower spine and hip area to prevent pressure building up in the sciatic nerve.
Call Carolina Wellness and Rehab now to inquire about their chiropractic treatment services.