Arthritis means inflammation of a joint. In other words, where two bones meet. It comes from the Greek, “arthron” meaning joint, and “itēs” meaning disease. Hence, disease of the joints. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints and surrounding tissues. It can be a crippling condition that keeps you from enjoying life.
Types of Arthritis
The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear as you age. In contrast, when your body’s immune system attacks your tissue, you have rheumatoid arthritis. Genetics, as well as past injuries and infections, can play a role in the onset of arthritis.
There are many other types of arthritis. You can read about them from
Along with joint pain, back pain can sometimes be a symptom of arthritis. However, joint pain and back pain can be symptoms of other illnesses. For this reason, it is always best to see a doctor when you are suffering from ongoing pain. Dr. Strickland can assist with effective, pain-relieving treatments.
What Causes Arthritis
Your cartilage provides firm and flexible protection for your joints. Its flexibility helps absorb pressure and shock when you are in motion. When cartilage is damaged, it is less effective at protecting your joints. That can lead to friction and bone damage, which causes pain and allows arthritis to develop. Additionally, foods can make symptoms worse. For example, eliminating sugar, highly processed foods, saturated and trans fats, omega-6 fatty acids, gluten, casein, and alcohol may improve symptoms of arthritis.
Arthritis Pain Relief
Many people with arthritis take pain medication for pain relief. Unfortunately, pain medication will only offer temporary relief for an ongoing issue. And worse, many pain medications such as opioids, cause addiction to the medication.
Our doctors take a proactive approach to help patients combat the degenerative effects of arthritis. We concentrate on the healing process to allow your body to repair damage and effectively reduce pain.
We can address symptoms with natural solutions focused on healing, including:
- Physical therapy: We use physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles around the affected joint. When combined with regular exercise that does not put pressure on your joints, our doctor can help your body remain flexible and improve mobility and function.
- Rejuvenating Therapies: Rejuvenating therapies help restore, repair, and replace damaged or malfunctioning cells and tissues by harnessing your body’s existing healing capabilities. We offer forms of rejuvenating therapies in Little River such as platelet-rich plasma therapy and other breakthrough techniques to relieve pain. These minimally invasive treatments offer all-natural pain relief as well as an alternative to expensive surgery that requires long periods of downtime and intense rehab.
- Chiropractic care: We use chiropractic care to address the structure and function of your joints when they become less flexible. We apply gentle manipulation to improve flexibility and range of motion to keep you mobile.
With a thorough assessment, we can identify key causes of your arthritis and provide a pain management treatment plan that will help you use your sore joints more easily.
Whether you suffer from severe joint pain in your knees and hips or have limited function in your hands, we can treat arthritis-related pain effectively. If you have arthritis, contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.
Dr. J. Craig Strickland, DC
Carolina Rehab & Physical Medicine Center